Achievements from programs and activities in Somalia

SCWE has initiated, arranged and implemented several projects aimed at saving the Somali environment, raising environmental awareness of local people and organisations in Somalia particularly in Mogadishu and Beled-Weyne in central Somalia.

SCWE has succeeded in establishing a Centre for water and environment in Mogadishu and Green library where books on water and environmental subjects are collected. The new centre and the green library are established for the Mogadishu city population in general and university students in particular.

Experiences gained from these projects reveal that there are needs for continuations in order to address environmental and water issues.

Following projects are implemented by SCWE in close cooperation with local organisations in Somalia:

SCWE has participated several conferences, seminars, workshops and other events held in different parts of the world, particularly different parts of Sweden. These conferences include Stockholm Water Symposium in Sweden; Horn of African Conference in Lund; Sweden; Annual meeting of Somali Associations in Sweden; Groundwater Conference i Cairo; Seminar on Somali Land and Water Information in Nairobi etc.

SCWE-MU collaborates with FAO/SWALIM in Nairobi and carried activities together see the SWALIM News Letter (click here)


Achievements from programs and activities in Sweden

Coming soon... (see the activities)